When: Wednesday, Mar 1, 2023, 9:00pm - 9:30pm

Nominations meeting for three (3) delegates for the Oregon AFSCME Council 75 Convention. You may also make nominations via email ([email protected]).

The convention will be held at the Salem Convention Center on April 28 - 30 and Local 2975 gets three voting delegates. This is where members of your local get to meet members from across the state to share ideas and make connections, but most importantly, you set the direction of Oregon AFSCME for the next two years.

The convention is also where delegates will elect the executive committee and executive board of Oregon AFSCME, Council 75.

The local will cover registration fees, meal charges for one guest per delegate, per diem at the federal rate (reduced by 1/3 for each meal provided or not occurring during convention), and either mileage to and from the convention center plus hotel, or if a delegate would rather stay at home and drive each day the local will cover mileage to and from the convention center each day at the federal rate.

Childcare is available to any delegate who needs it.